Mateo Gürtel schwarz XL


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Product information "Mateo Gürtel schwarz XL"
The Mateo belt is segmented and firmly riveted, ensuring high stability. It is not fully perforated, which gives it a more refined character. The detailed metal buckle adds an elegant touch. This belt is universally combinable and matches many different outfits.
Material: leather, Zamak
Waist circumference90-105105-125125-140
All measurements are in centimeters. The recommended waist size refers to the pre-punched holes and the length of the tongue to allow for making a knot, for example. You can vary this by adding additional holes at positions of your choice.
The original! With Artesano Mítico, Mytholon presents handcrafted leather clothing and accessories from Spain. Each piece combines top-notch quality with exceptional design. From delicate decorations to robust leather, Artesano Mítico brings your imagination to life. Our products are handcrafted, so dimensions and colour tones may vary slightly. Photographic images and screen settings may not accurately represent colour tones.

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Mateo Gürtel schwarz M
The Mateo belt is segmented and firmly riveted, ensuring high stability. It is not fully perforated, which gives it a more refined character. The detailed metal buckle adds an elegant touch. This belt is universally combinable and matches many different outfits.Material: leather, Zamak MLXLWaist circumference90-105105-125125-140Length206181230 All measurements are in centimeters. The recommended waist size refers to the pre-punched holes and the length of the tongue to allow for making a knot, for example. You can vary this by adding additional holes at positions of your choice.The original! With Artesano Mítico, Mytholon presents handcrafted leather clothing and accessories from Spain. Each piece combines top-notch quality with exceptional design. From delicate decorations to robust leather, Artesano Mítico brings your imagination to life. Our products are handcrafted, so dimensions and colour tones may vary slightly. Photographic images and screen settings may not accurately represent colour tones.

Only 3 available
Mateo Gürtel schwarz L
The Mateo belt is segmented and firmly riveted, ensuring high stability. It is not fully perforated, which gives it a more refined character. The detailed metal buckle adds an elegant touch. This belt is universally combinable and matches many different outfits.Material: leather, Zamak MLXLWaist circumference90-105105-125125-140Length206181230 All measurements are in centimeters. The recommended waist size refers to the pre-punched holes and the length of the tongue to allow for making a knot, for example. You can vary this by adding additional holes at positions of your choice.The original! With Artesano Mítico, Mytholon presents handcrafted leather clothing and accessories from Spain. Each piece combines top-notch quality with exceptional design. From delicate decorations to robust leather, Artesano Mítico brings your imagination to life. Our products are handcrafted, so dimensions and colour tones may vary slightly. Photographic images and screen settings may not accurately represent colour tones.

LARPzeit #84
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