Elmar fur collar corsac fox

119,90 €*

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Info sui prodotti "Elmar fur collar corsac fox"

This is our "Elmar" fur collar made by the Leipzig-based manufactury Falkenwacht. Hand-sewn from real corsac fox fur, it will not only warm you during cold days and sleepless nights, but they also serve as elegant protection against the sun. "Elmar" is closed by means of two soft leather straps over your chest. The shoulder width may be adjusted by means of two brass rings. All furs used in production are taken from the wild. No skins from factory farming are used.

Material: Real fur (corsac fox)
Shoulder width: approx. 80cm
Back length: approx. 40cm

These products are hand-crafted from natural materials. Measurements, shapes and colours may vary from the image.

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