Joerg doublet black/red

59,95 €*

% 119,90 €* (50% risparmio)

Tempi di consegna 2-5 giorni

Codice prodotto: 972273
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Info sui prodotti "Joerg doublet black/red"

Discontinued, only while stocks last 

The "Jörg" doublet is a bicoloured, slit jacket made along historical patterns of the legendary lansquenet mercenaries. It is not certain, where this fashion originated from, but historians suggest, that lansquenets started cutting their clothing, for it was too tight for them to fight in them. This is, how this fashion came along with the famous mercenaries.

The doublet is elaboratly cut and made from robust, high quality canvas material. It allows a very free movement when fighting. The five antiqu finished brass buttons in the front allow the doublet to be closed on cooler days. The lacing along the sleeves leads to the typical buffy look of the lansquenet fashion.

This doublet may not only be used for the reenactment of lansquenet, they are also well suited for nobility, merchants or pirates costumes.

Material: 100% cotton
Sizes: S – XXL

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