Richard chainmail shirt aluminium flat ring

479,90 €*

Tempi di consegna 2-5 giorni

Codice prodotto: 961717
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Info sui prodotti "Richard chainmail shirt aluminium flat ring"

Chainmail shirts are a popular costume item for the portrayal of armoured characters. Unfortunately, though, some people's health does not allow them to bear the considerable weight of this kind of protective wear. That's why this chainmail shirt is made of lightweight aluminium. It is suitable for wearers of medium chest circumference. The shirt is wide enough to be worn on top of a gambeson jacket; it has long sleeves and will fall down to about the height of the wearer's knees. Every single one of the flat rings is riveted, so they may only be opened using tools or considerable force.

Traditional "4-in-2" weave
long sleeves
Ring diameter: 10mm
Material: aluminium
Chest circumference: 140cm – with clothing: 90-125cm
Length: 85cm
Weight: approx. 7kg

The chainmail shirt is also fully riveted under the arms, and the rings will not open even during powerful movements. As a result, the chainmail shirt will remain intact for a long time, allowing you to enjoy wearing it for just as long.

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