Geralt belt

59,90 €*

Tempi di consegna 2-5 giorni

Codice prodotto: 999930
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Info sui prodotti "Geralt belt"

This leather belt comes in two pieces: one larger massive 6cm wide belt and another, 3,5cm slim belt.
Both add up to a great combination. The larger belt holds heavy belt bags and the sword holder, the slimmer one is used for carrying smaller pouches and bags with your accessories.

The belt is made from thick cattle upper leather and holds quite some force due to the rolling buckle. This also enables the belt to be taken on and off very quickly.
Often seen with warriors, mages, thiefs and rouges, just as well as rangers; this belt offers a wide variety of uses for a wide spread range of characters and uses.

Material: upper leather
Measurements: max. 122cm x 6cm (small belt: 35cm x 3,5cm)

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