Flynn Sabre II long Master

159,90 €*

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Codice prodotto: 963247
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Info sui prodotti "Flynn Sabre II long Master"

This new sabre is made from Flynn’s hilt and offers the same level of details: Guard adorned with a golden eagle, a cup to protect the hand and hilt in a faux leather finish for exceptional grip. The guard is rigid enough to protect against blows, but flexible enough to be safe in combat. Our new steel coloured blade offers a unique touch to this already remarkable sabre with its realistic blade and back fin. The realistic blade profile still provides high durability and a level of safety unique to Calimacil foam.
This sword is ideal for a pirate, privateer or naval officer. It will also easily find its place in the hands of a sky pirate in a steampunk setting or in the hand of an agile thief.

Material: fibreglass, Calimacil Foam
Weight (g): 400
Total Length (cm): 85
Blade Length (cm): 70
Blade Tickness (cm): 3
Handle length (cm): 15
Grip length (cm): 8

All articles of the manufacturer "Calimacil" are handmade in a small manufactory in Canada. We try to keep all items in stock at all times, but unfortunately we may wait up to 10 weeks for items that are out of stock. Disclaimer: All the articles shown here have been specially developed for the safe representation of fights in LARP, on theatre stages or similar. The foam weapons consist of a glass fibre core, which is completely wrapped with soft foam to avoid injury.

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