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"Steampunk Soldiers - Uniformen und Waffen aus dem Dampfzeitalter" (Steampunk Soldiers - Uniforms and Weapons from the Age of Steam)
Between 1887 and 1895, the British art student Miles Vandercroft traveled the world, making a point to sketch and draw the soldiers of the countries he visited. It was an age of dramatic technological advancements, and Vandercroft was fascinated by how the rise of steam technology at the beginning of the American Civil War had changed the art of warfare and the role of soldiers.
This is a complete collection of Vandercroft's preserved drawings. The images are accompanied by Vandercroft's corresponding comments about the military units that crossed his way. It is a unique illustrated travel guide of the final era of radiant, colourful uniforms and at the same time an important historical study of the various steam-powered weapons and pieces of equipment that hd their golden age in the days right before the Great War.
Hardcover, published by Zauberfeder Verlag, 158 pages
Please note: this book is available in German only.